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These are two of the three dogs our family purchased from Phoenix Squirrel Dogs. We are really enjoying the memories being made with them! If your interested in a dog get in touch with Lee Moore. We feel he is one, in a few of the honest guys in the hunting dog business! Allison and Chris Harrell
It's not all about the number killed but the great times that we have had with all of y'all ! We thank y'all for the memories made and your honesty over the dogs we've bought! Also Allison said she will be looking for a calendar next year, lol. Chris Harrell

I have had several conversations with Lee and have found him to be upfront and honest to deal with. He has been honest with me about the good and bad qualities of his dogs when we've talked. I think this is important because you can't breed better dogs unless you acknowledge the changes that should be made. I've studied some of the lines used in his breeding to the point of having pedigree charts on the wall and have a lot of faith in the origins of his line of squirrel dogs. Zack Kraft


Our squirrel dog "Banjo" is doing great. He is only about 7 months old and likes to hunt. He trees with our other dogs and doesn't stay under foot. He recently had a rough experience on a squirrel hunting trip, he got cut by a wild hog. We thought we had lost one of our other dogs, but two days later he was found alive and well. Banjo got several staples and a lot of attention and is doing just fine. Looking forward to many great squirrel seasons. Doug and Melinda Brown

Lee, We absolutely adore her, as does Percy. She's a spunky little thing & very smart..........

I never thought I would like any breed other than my Jack Russell (our Daisy turned 14 last month) but I have fallen in love with the Mountain Feist. These are some of the best dogs and they are super smart, loving, eager to please, energetic, entertaining, etc. They have great personalities and are very loyal. Teresa Landrum Raybourn


Our first squirrel season with a dog is about to come to a close. I have never tried to train a dog to hunt and really didn't know how when I got her from you last May. All I knew to do was get in the woods and put the smell of squirrels to her nose as often as I could. She has not trained or hunted with other dogs. What we have learned, we have learned together. It has really been a lot of fun for me and Matt to have such a loyal friend to hunt with us. I believe that y'all's bloodline is of good stock for squirrel hunting for it has come so easy and natural to our puppy. Maybelle does not stay in a kennel and she is a great family pet that is dedicated to pleasing her family. Daniel Thames